Special Sessions and Workshops

Special Sessions


Session 1 

Session Title: Signal Processing for Cognitive Networks.

Session Organizer:  Prof. Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar

President of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Communications (Iecom), Brazil

For full CV click to download: Prof. Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar CV

E-mail: malencar@iecom.org.br

For full information click here for the attached file.


Session 2

Session Title: Advanced Intelligent Control Methods in Robotics and Mechatronics”

Session Organizer: Professor Luige VLADAREANU
Romanian Academy, Institute of Solid Mechanics, ROMANIA
Head of Robotics and Mechatronics Department.
Corresponding Member of the American Romanian Academy

For full CV click to download: Professor Luige VLADAREANU CV
E-mail:luigiv2007@yahoo.com.sg, luigiv@imsar.bu.edu.ro

For full information click here for the attached file.


Session 3

Session Title:  Assistive Information Technology for People with Disabilities

Session Organizers

1. Associate Prof. Nashwa  Elbendary, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport.

Contact:  nashwa.elbendary@ieee.org.

2. Prof. AbouElla Hassanien

Chair of the Scientific Research Group in Egypt (SRGE)

Faculty of Computers and Information, Information Technology department,

Cairo University, Egypt

Email: aboitcairo@gmail.com

For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 4

Session Title: Sensor Networks and Its Applications

Session Organizer:  Dr. Manal Abdullah

Department of Computer Science,

Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, FCIT

King Abdulaziz University, KAU


For full information click here for the attached file.


Session 5

Session Title: Multimedia Networks: Future Perspectives

Session Organizer: Drs.  Martin Fleury and Laith Al-Jobouri

School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering,

University of Essex,United Kingdom

E-mail: {fleum, lamona}@essex.ac.uk

For full information click here for the attached file.


Session 6


Session Organizer:Prof. Sayed A. Nouh

Department of Systems and Computers Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt

E-mail: Sayed.Nouh07@Gmail.com

For full information click here for the attached file.


Session 7

Session Title: Big Data: Privacy, Security, and Analytics

Session Organizer: Prof. Qing Tan, Harris Wang, Xiaokun Zhang

School of Computing and Information Systems, Faculty of Science and Technology,

Athabasca University

E-mail: qingt@athabascau.ca,  harrisw@athabascau.ca, xiaokunz@athabascau.ca

For full information click here for the attached file.


Session 8

Session Title: Advances in Computational Intelligence Techniques for designing  Wireless Sensors Networks

Session Organizer: Dr. Mohaned Al. Obaidy

Head of Computing Faculty, Gulf College,OMAN

Email: E-mail: mohaned@gulfcollegeoman.com

For full CV click to download: Dr. Mohaned Al. Obaidy

For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 9

Session Title: MaLOTA: Machine Learning and Optimization: Trends and Applications

Session Organizers:

Chair: Prof. Aboul Ella Hassanien

Faculty of Computers and Information Science

Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

Beni-Suef University, Beni-suef, Egypt

Scientific Research Group in Egypt (www.egyptscience.net)

E-mail: aboitcairo@gmail.com

Co-chair: Dr. Tarek Gaber

Faculty of Computers & Informatics

Suez Canal University, Old Campus, Ismailia, Egypt.

Member at SRGE Research Group.

IT4Innovations, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava,

17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba,  

Czech Republic.



Co-chair: Dr. Mohamed Mostafa Fouad

Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt

Member of SRGE Research Group.

IT4Innovations, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava,

17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba,  

Czech Republic.



For full information click here for  the attached file


Session 10

Session Title: e-Entrepreneurship. New challenges

Session Organizer:  Prof. Dorota  Jelonek

Faculty of Management, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland

E-mail: jelonek@zim.pcz.pl

For full information click here for the attached file.


Session 11

Session Title:Developments on Daily Life Monitoring, and control of liberty

Session Organizer: Mona Al-Ashkar Jabour 1 and Lionel Khalil

President of Lebanese Information Technology Association "LITA", Lebanon.

Notre Dame University – Louaize


For full information click here for the attached file.


Session 12

Session Title:Open Educational Resources; Theory and Applications

Session Organizer: Prof. Kamal ElDahshan

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University

Email: dahshan@gmail.com

 For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 13

Session Title: Information Needs Satisfaction and Seeking Behavior for Managing Information Services

Session Organizer: Prof. Petros A. Kostagiolas

Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology,

Faculty of Information Science and Informatics

Ionian University, Greece

E-mail: pkostagiolas@ionio.gr

For full information click here for the attached file.


Session 14

Session Title: Cross Boarder Telemedicine

Session Organizer: Prof. Hassan Ghazal and Prof. Francesco Sicurello

Prof. Hassan Ghazal :Polydisciplinary Faculty of Nador, University
Mohammed Premier, Morocco & Moroccan Society for Telemedicine and eHealth

Email: Hassan.ghazal@fullbrightmail.org

Prof. Francesco Sicurello: International Institute of Telemedicine,Milano, Italy & Euro
Mediterranean Association for Medical Informatics & Telemedicine.
E-mail: francesco.sicurello@itb.cnr.it

For full information click here for the attached file.


Session 15

Session Title: Soft Computing – Theory, Applications, Challenges and Issues.

Session Organizer:  Dr. Rashad Rasras,

Taibah University, Al-Medina, KSA.

Email:  rashad_ras@yahoo.com

For full CV click to download: Dr. Rashad Rasras CV

For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 16

Session Title: ICT in education

Session Organizer: Dr. Evgenia  Theodotou 

AMC in Collaboration with University of East London, U.K.

For full CV click to download:CV Dr. Evgenia  Theodotou 

Email: etheodotou@metropolitan.edu.gr , etheodotou@gmail.com

For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 17

Session Title:Multidisciplinary in Information Security

Session Organizer: Dr. Eng. Sattar B. Sadkhan
College of Information Technology,

University of Babylon, IRAQ

 For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 18

Session Title:Advances in Computer Graphics and Image Processing

Session Organizer: Prof. Ghada El-Taweel

Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.


Co-chair:Dr. Tarek Gaber

Faculty of Computers & Informatics, Suez Canal University,  Ismailia, Egypt.

Email: tarekgaber@ci.suez.edu.eg

 For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 19

Session Title:Computing Graduates and the Job Market Needs

Session Organizer: Eiman Tamah Al-Shammari

College of Computing Sciences and Engineering, Kuwait University
Email: eiman.tamah@gmail.com

 For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 20

Session Title:Utilisation Factors for Medical and Biomedical Equipment

Session Organizer: Dr. AbdulKareem Jabali

Co-chair:Dr. Abdelaziz Matani, Dr Khalid Farid

University of Dammam, College of Applied Medical Sciences

Dammam – Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Email: amatani@uod.edu.sa

 For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 21

Session Title:Ambient Assisted Living Technologies based on Internet of Things

Session Organizer: Kostas Giokas

Senior Researcher – Leader AiM Research Team, Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Institute of Communications and Computer Systems,

National Technical University of Athens

Email: kgiokas@biomed.ntua.gr  

 For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 22

Session Title:Knowledge Management Systems in the Era of Digital Life

Session Organizer: Prof. Fekry Fouad

King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


 For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 23

Session Title: Smart Techniques adapted for managing Big Data 

Session Organizer: Prof. Cyrus F. Nourani

Akdmkr-DAI Berlin, Germany


 For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 24

Session Title: Modern Topics in Knowledge Engineering and

Knowledge Management

Session Organizer:Assoc. Prof. Nevine Makram Labib

Vice Dean of Educational and Student Affairs

Department of Computer and Information Systems

Faculty of Management Sciences
Sadat Academy for Management Sciences

Email: nevmakram@gmail.com

 For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 25

Session Title: Smart e-Learning

Session Organizer:Dr. Atis Kapenieks,

Distance Education Study Centre,
Riga Technical University

Email: atis.kapenieks@rtu.lv

 For full information click here for  the attached file.


Session 26

Session Title: Special Session on Networks & Communication Systems (NCS 2015)

Session Organizer:Dr. Homero Toral-Cruz,
University of Quintana Roo, Mexico.

Co-chair: Dr. Miroslav Voznak,

VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Email: homerotoralcruz@gmail.com and miroslav.voznak@vsb.cz

 For full information click here for  the attached file.



Workshop 1

Workshop Title:  Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering for Decision Support Systems

Workshop chair: Prof. Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem
Department of Computer Science,
Head of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering Research Labs,
Faculty of Computer and Information sciences,  Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

For full information click here for the attached file.


Workshop 2

Workshop Title: Human Information Seeking Behaviour: Models and research issues with emphasis at healthcare sector

Workshop chair: Dr. P.A. Kostagiolas,

Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology,

Faculty of Information Science and Informatics, Ionian University,Greece

Email: pkostagiolas@ionio.gr

For full information click here for the attached file.


Workshop 3


Workshop chair: Dr.V.Parthasarathy

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Dean Research and Development,Vel Tech Multitech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College, Avadi, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.

Email: sarathy.vp@gmail.com

Workshop Co-Chair:Dr.G.Murugaboopathi

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kalasalingam University, Krishnankovil, Srivilliputtur (TK), Virudhunagar Dist, Tamilnadu, India.

Email: gmurugaboopathi@gmail.com

For full information click here for the attached file.

Conference Program

accepted papers .........to be announced

Conference Organizer

Universal Society for Applied Research

The ITT Technical Institute - USA