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Var i o u s   T y p e s    o f    P a r t i c i p a n t s   and           A t t e n d e e

1.     Authors can present their contributions in different modalities: 

·In person ( Regular Paper and Short Paper in the form of Oral presentation)

·As Poster Presentation

·As in Workshop Sessions

·Presenting paper as Virtual Authors  (not attending authors)

·As Listener only


2.    Attending Conference in Person for Oral Presentation: 

Each regular paper presentation will least 35 – 45 minutes and short papers will be 15 – 20 minutes. Presentation will be presented in parallel thematic sessions. Author will be informed about the reference of his/her session and the time of his/her presentation about 2 weeks before the event. If author have any personal restriction to present his/her paper in a specific date, please send us an email with his/her request as soon as possible.


3.  Attending Conference in person for Poster presentation

The poster will be exhibited during the conference poster session. Poster sessions will provide an opportunity for authors to display the results and conclusions of their papers. Authors are offered to present their works face to face to individuals and small groups.


4.  Not-attending Authors (Virtual presentation)-Registration Fees: 450 Euro

Those authors who are interested to present their papers in ICCMIT’16 but could not present their paper in person (i.e. orally), they can facilitated for Virtual Presentation Session.  If the author papers to be published in Conference Publications, but author are not able to attend Conference in personally, author can register for a “virtual presentation”. Registered virtual authors will receive: a copy of the Abstracts CDs,   Conference Proceedings, a participation and author certificate and registration invoices via DHL or FedEx Currier services.