Key Note Speakers

(ICCMIT 2015)


Prof. Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar

President of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Communications (Iecom), Brazil

Talk title: The Strange Economic Behavior of the Information Era

(see abstract)

Download CV of Prof. Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar


Prof. Dorota  Jelonek

Faculty of Management, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland

Talk title: The role of open innovations in the development of e-Entrepreneurship

(see abstract)

Download CV of Prof. Dorota Jelonek



Prof. Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem


Department of Computer Science,
Head of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering Research Labs,
Faculty of Computer and Information sciences,  Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Talk title: Intelligent e-Learning Systems (see abstract)

Download CV of Prof. Addel-Badeeh M. Salem

Featured Speaker

Prof. Irma AslaniShvili  


St. Andrew Georgian Patriarchate's University

Tbilisi Iv.Javakhishvili State University of Georgia

Talk title: Quality Management and Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions  (see abstract)

Download CV of Prof. Irma Aslanishvili



Conference Program

Special Session Proposal

Keynote Speakers

Conference Organizer

Universal Society for Applied Research

The ITT Technical Institute - USA